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The Department of Labor CareerZone website is provided in English. However, the “Google Translate” option may assist you in reading it in other languages. Google Translate cannot translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. Anyone relying on information obtained from Google Translate does so at his or her own risk. The Department of Labor does not make any promises, assurances, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the translations provided. The State of New York, its officers, employees, and/or agents shall not be liable for damages or losses of any kind arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performance of such information, including but not limited to, damages or losses caused by reliance upon the accuracy of any such information, or damages incurred from the viewing, distributing, or copying of such materials.


What is CareerZone?

CareerZone is an innovative online career exploration and planning system designed especially for today's high-tech youth in New York State. CareerZone presents current and relevant occupational and labor market Information in a clear and interesting way, making career exploration and planning fun and easy.

CareerZone leverages the power of the web to provide: information on 800 occupations from the national Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Database; the latest labor market information from the state Department of Labor; and interactive middle and high school career portfolios aligned with the New York State Education Department Career Plan initiative. Links to college exploration and planning resources help youth begin their life/work journey. Over 450 career videos provide a visual of the workplace and bring careers to life. Up-to-date job postings provide a glimpse into the local labor market and an ability to apply for positions. The expanded resume builder helps youth prepare one of the most important tools needed for a successful job search.

The latest version of CareerZone was introduced on February 20, 2009 and has several enhancements and updates. Please visit "What's New?" for information on the system enhancements. If you are interested in organizing a CareerZone training session, please visit "Find a Trainer" for a local contact.

Who's Using CareerZone?

Youth in grades 6 -12 most often use CareerZone to start their career exploration journey by beginning with the Interest, Work Values and Skill assessment tools to explore potential careers. A middle school and high school career portfolio are available to help youth create a meaningful plan for their future education and career choices.

"CareerZone is fast and gives you great information on the job that you want to find out about. There were great facts and awesome details . . ."

~Student comment

Educators use the lesson plan database in the Resource section to bring CareerZone into the classroom and provide relevant career development activities for students. More than 50 lesson plans have been crosswalked to the 28 New York State Learning Standards.

"I have to say that I am so impressed with the CareerZone System! I can't wait to bring this back to my students. CareerZone is wonderful for providing students with a wealth of information about hundreds of possible career choices. What I love about CareerZone is its lattice design that allows students to search for careers of similar nature and required skill sets. I also love that it helps kids to narrow down their own strengths, interests, and skills."

~Teacher comment

Counselors utilize CareerZone as an important component of a comprehensive school counseling program. Resources are provided in CareerZone to help counselors stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the career exploration and management field.

"To say that I have been impressed with CareerZone would be an understatement! I have been amazed by the amount of information it offers and how user friendly it is."

~School counselor comment

Community organizations, colleges and public libraries use CareerZone to introduce the principles of life-long learning and career development to jobseekers. A Resource area has been developed to gather tools for jobseekers to use along the path of their career development journey.

"I view web sites related to education, training, careers and employment all the time. Your web site is simply beautiful. My hat's off to you!"

~Director, Community Organization


Who Designed the System?

The latest version of CareerZone, introduced February 20, 2009, is based on the original system design created in 1996 by the New York State Department of Labor with a grant from the United States Department of Labor. Updates to the system have been made with input and feedback of hundreds of students, counselors, teachers and other professionals across the State. Extensive pilot testing led to the final development of the easy-to-use system that is now available on the Web.

CareerZone was designed and developed by a number of professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds. Their expertise in labor market information, career development, training, counseling psychology, and computer applications have helped to create the unique CareerZone System.


Citing Information on CareerZone

To cite a specific page:

"Name of specific page."
CareerZone. 20 Feb 2009 (this is the date of last update)
New York State Department of Labor
Date Accessed (in the DD MMM YYYY format)
http:URL of specific page

For example:

CareerZone. 20 Feb 2009
New York State Department of Labor
04 Jan 2009 onetsoc=29-1121.00

To cite the entire site:

CareerZone. 20 Feb 2009
New York State Department of Labor
Date Accessed

For more information contact the CareerZone Team at:

New York State Department of Labor
Division of Employment and Worforce Solutions
State Office Building Campus
Bldg. 12, Room 450
Albany, NY 12226


What Browsers and Screen Resolutions Are Supported?

The CareerZone system supports current versions of these browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari. CareerZone is optimized for Chrome. Users of Internet Explorer version 7 may find some pages render poorly. Although the system should still function, you may want to consider migrating to a more current version for a better experience on this and other websites. The system is designed for screen resolutions 1024 by 768 pixels or higher. Lower screen resolutions work fine, but you will have to scroll more often.


O*NET™ In-It

The CareerZone system uses version 27.0 of the O*NET™ database.

O*NET™ information is obtained through the O*NET™ Data Collection Program using a multiple method approach, including data from job incumbents, occupational experts, and occupational analysts. The O*NET™ system provides valid and reliable occupational information that may be useful for a variety of purposes, such as career counseling, development of job training programs, skill standards and labor market information. It should be noted that O*NET™ occupational information is composite information from many jobs and therefore is not intended to describe a particular job.

This product uses O*NET™ Career Exploration Tools, version 27.0.

U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration is the exclusive owner of all rights under U.S. copyright laws and international treaty provisions in the O*NET™ Career Exploration Tools. Any other copyright notices refer only to the New York State Department of Labor’s original work in the product.

O*NET™ and O*NET™ IN IT and their associated logos are trademarks of the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.

O*NET in-it

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You have requested to enter the JobZone system using an account created in CareerZone. JobZone is geared primarily toward adult job seekers and can be accessed directly at

  • Track your progress as you assess yourself and explore future career possibilities
  • Search our library of resources designed for students, parents and educators
  • Explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers and connect with STEM workshops, camps, games, internships and more
  • Search our job bank, or find training and education opportunities
  • Assess your interests, skills and talents and explore matching occupations
  • Create resumes, cover letters, reference lists and more
  • Access resources for adults engaged in an active job search
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