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CareerZone is an innovative online career exploration and planning system designed especially for today's high-tech youth in New York State. CareerZone presents current and relevant occupational and labor market Information in a clear and interesting way, making career exploration and planning fun and easy.


For more information contact the CareerZone Team at:

New York State Department of Labor
Division of Employment and Worforce Solutions
State Office Building Campus
Bldg. 12, Room 450
Albany, NY 12226

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Division of Employment and Workforce Solutions

We work with the public and private sectors to create job opportunities, offer job fairs, help workers find a job and help businesses find skilled workers. We maintain the NY Talent Bank and offer workforce professional tools for career building. Contact us if you are looking for a job or for employees, are interested in apprenticeship, or want to locate one of our Career Service Centers. Click Division of Employment and Workforce Solutions for more information, including contact information.


Labor Standards

The Division of Labor Standards protects the rights of private sector employees at their workplaces through outreach, training and enforcement of the New York State Labor law. The Division of Labor Standards also protects the employers of New York State by providing educational seminars and access to written materials concerning the state Labor laws. Click Labor Standards for more information, including contact information.


Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment Insurance is temporary income for eligible workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. We offer information for claimants to help in filing a claim, certifying for weekly benefits, and dealing with hearings and appeals. Information for employers includes registering, services we offer, covered employment and information on FUTA tax credit. We offer the Shared Work Program for businesses that want to keep their employees working at reduced hours rather than downsizing. We enforce Prevailing Wage rules, the UI Law and UI Regulations. Click Unemployment Insurance for more information, including contact information.


Veterans' Services

We offer priority services to veterans of military service through our Veterans' Employment representatives, located in One-Stop Career Centers and local offices statewide. Our veterans' resources include employer information, education and training, and credentialing, as well as links to federal resources. Click Veterans' Services for more information, including contact information.


Additional Assistance

Contact us by email at <a href=""></a>

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  • Track your progress as you assess yourself and explore future career possibilities
  • Search our library of resources designed for students, parents and educators
  • Explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers and connect with STEM workshops, camps, games, internships and more
  • Search our job bank, or find training and education opportunities
  • Assess your interests, skills and talents and explore matching occupations
  • Create resumes, cover letters, reference lists and more
  • Access resources for adults engaged in an active job search
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